Vitamin-hormonal stimulation influence of repair pigs on their reproductive indicators at different times of the year

DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2023-129-125-130

Martinyk Iryna,
Sushko Alexei,
Institute of Animal Science of NAAS,
Stryzhak Tetiana,
Ph.D., Senior Researcher,,
Luhansk National Agrarian University

Keywords: gilts, hormonal, vitamin preparations, multiple pregnancy, seasons


The influence of vitamin-hormonal schemes of stimulation of replacement pigs on their reproductive function was studied. The effect of stimulation on the reproductive performance of pigs and fertility, multiple pregnancy in the spring and summer seasons was determined. A methodical approach has been created to increase the reproductive capacity of gilts.
It was stated that multiple pregnancy (insemination in the spring season) was probably (P> 0.99) higher in the I-study group (use of the complex vitamin preparation Introvit) by 6.0% compared to the control. Comparing the results of farrowing in the II-study group (the use of the drug “Introvit” and the hormonal drug “Gestavet”), the multiple pregnancy rates were probably (P> 0.99) higher by 9.2% compared to the control group. In the III experimental group (use of the hormonal drug “Gestavet”), the indicators of multiple pregnancy exceeded the control group of animals by 8.3%.
According to the results of farrowing (summer insemination) in the queens of the I-study group, where the complex vitamin preparation “Introvit” was used, the multiplicity was higher by 4.3% compared to the control. In the second experimental group, where the combination of the drug Introvit and the hormonal drug Gestavet was used, the multiple pregnancy rates were higher by 7.7% compared to the control. In the III experimental group, when using the hormonal preparation “Gestavet”, the indicators of multiple pregnancy exceeded the control group of animals by 7.5% compared to the control.
When using vitamin-hormonal stimulation, there is an increase in fertility by 9.2% (insemination in the spring) and 7.7% (in the summer).
It was found that the best in terms of reproductive ability was the vitamin-hormonal scheme for the treatment of pigs (experimental group II), both in the spring and summer seasons.


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