Use of feed additive tep-mix in the feeding of repair heifers

DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2023-129-115-124

Mamenko O.,
Doctor agricultural science, Corresponding Member of NAAS,,
Sedyuk Igor,
Kravchenko Yuriy,
PhD, Senior Researcher,Х,
Prusova Galina,
Petrenko S.,
junior Researcher,
Institute of Animal Science of NAAS

Keywords: heifers, supplement, feeding, live weight gain, protein


In most of modern protein nutrition systems by determining the protein requirement of animals, it do not emanate from the content of crude and digestible protein in the ration, but from the amount of protein degraded in the small intestine and defined as the sum of degradable and non-degradable protein in the rumen. A new approach to providing protein nutrition to highly productive animals is based on providing the animal body with easily soluble nitrogen compounds of feed protein and non-protein sources of nitrogen, which is provided by proteolysis of microorganisms and feed protein.
During growing calves, the inclusion of protein-energy feed additives with different content of protected protein in the composition of complete diets contributes to obtaining the planned indicators of growth intensity and development of young animals, reducing nutrient consumption and has a positive effect on the economics of growing.
As a result of the scientific and economic experience, it has been proved that the inclusion of high-protein feed additives with different contents of degradable protein and starch makes it possible to balance the rations of calves with the necessary amount of nutrients, minerals and biologically active substances.
The using of a feed additive with a high content of protein non-degradable in the rumen and passing starch in the diet of heifers of the experimental group made it possible to obtain higher rates of live weight gain of animals by 10,1-10,2 % when grown from 3 to 10 months of age with a highly probable difference. Compared with the control group, which indicates a high productive effect of this additive compared to sunflower meal.
The implementation of perspective developed protein supplements in the rations of calves during growing helps to reduce the amount of feed consumed per group by 4314.2 UAH during the experiment period, and allows you to receive additional income from the commercial value of the gain of the whole group – UAH 8719


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