Use of bypass protein and starch to reduce emissions of greenhouse gas and ammonia

DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2021-126-133-144

Rudenko E. V.,
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. Sci., Professor, Corresponding Member of NAAS,,
Podobed L. I.,
Doctor agricultural science, profesor,,
Vasilevsky M. V.,
Candidate of Biological Sci., Senior Researcher,,
Yeletskaya T. O.,
Candidate of Biological Sci., Senior Researcher,,
Sedyuk I. E.,
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences,,
Zolotarev A. P.,
Chyhrynov Ye. I.,
Doctor agricultural science, profesor,
Tryshin O. K.,
Doctor agricultural science, profesor, Academician of NAAS,,
Institute of Animal Science of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine

Keywords: greenhouse gases, bypass protein, digestibility, cows


The article considers the ways of reducing the formation of greenhouse gases and ammonia in the digestive tract of lactating cows. Reduction of emissions is based on increasing the absorption of nutrients by animals due to the use of our specialized additive that rumen escape proteinand starch protected from disintegration in the rumen. The effect of increasing the absorption of nutrients was confirmed in an experiment on fistula animals. It was found that feeding the developed supplement led to some changes in the digestibility of dietary nutrients. In the rumen, the digestibility of crude protein decreased from 6.52 ± 10.047 % to –15.62 ± 3.047 % and crude fat – from 13.49 ± 10.545 % to 1.33 ± 9.611 %, that indicates an increase in microbial synthesis; and the digestibility of crude fiber and nitrogen-free extractives increased from 73.98 ± 6.995 % to 77.82 ± 8.920 % and from 71.29 ± 5.629 % to 80.71 ± 8.878 %, respectively. Tests of the developed additive under production conditions were also carried out. The productivity of experimental cows directly depended on the level of introduction of the additive TEP-mix to the diet. Along with the increase in milk yield of experimental animals, there was a pronounced trend of increasing fat content and protein content in milk, which indicated a significant improvement in protein and energy nutrition in experimental cows. It was found that during the experiment the milk yield of cows probably increased by 7-137 %. The use of the supplement provided lengthening of the lactation peak plateau and lactation curve from 52 to 61 – 65 days, or 22-25 %. There was also a positive effect of the supplement on the prevention of the syndrome of weight loss of cows; there was a reduction in its losses during the first 100 days of lactation by more than 22-27%. Increasing the nutrient uptake of nutrients by cows provided an equivalent reduction in greenhouse gas and ammonia emissions. It was found that when using the additive TEP-mix in feeding lactating cows (feeding 1 kg of additive TEP-mix instead of 1 kg of standard feed) productivity increases by 2.15 kg of milk and reduces emissions of carbon dioxide by 522.54 ± 13.41 g and ammonia per 41 ± 0.13 g per day.


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