DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2019-122-42-50
Keywords: heifer, live weight, daily average live weight gain, retention technology, season of birth
The technology of young cattle growing consists of a housing conditions creation for animals desired qualities development, the better feed nutrients using, more intensive organism’s growth.
The article highlights the research results of Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy breed heifers growing improvement at the Experimental Farm “Gontarovka” of the Institute of Animal Science of the Volchansky district, Kharkiv region.
Two groups of heifers were formed at winter (per 12 animals) and spring (per 14 animals) periods of birth, animal’s age was 4 months. The first group was kept at Loose Housing System (experimental group), the second (control) – fixed.
It was found that the actual consumption of feed mixture, depending on the stage of research and the group of heifers, varied slightly at loose and fixed housing, respectively. Heifers of the experimental group at group sections housing had a large live weight of 6.0 kg or 5.1 % (р≤0.05) in the first month of the experiment, in the second and third months – of 10 kg or 7.3 % and 13 kg or 8.2 % (р≤0.05), relative to peers, which were kept fixed.
A similar pattern was observed in the second stage of research – the influence of the spring season of the heifer’s birth and housing system to the live weight.
The actual feeds consumption accounting and its leavings made it possible to calculate feed consumption per 1 kg of live weight gain, which in the experimental group at the first stage of the experiment ranged from 4.14 to 4.17 kg of feed units, the second – from 3.32 to 3.74 kg of feed units, in the control group, respectively – from 4.83 to 5.12 kg of feed units (first stage) and from 4.32 to 4.74 kg of feed units (second phase).
It has been established that the technology of housing during intensive growing of heifers of 700-800 g or more per day more influence on the physiological functions of the body than the factor of season of birth.
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