DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2022-128-118-130
Keywords: scientific contribution, artificial fecundation, pig breeding, reproduction
The scientific contribution of Researchs of the laboratory of artificial fecundation of farm animals of the Institute of Animal Sciences NAAS (now the Department of reproduction biotechnology of farm animals) in the development of artificial fecundation was analyzed as a method of large-scale breeding in the national livestock breeding.
The work of Researchs on the development of industry fundamental and applied research on the study of the physiology of pig reproduction was presented. The development of the Laboratory of Boar Reproduction has been examined from the moment of its existence up to the present time.
The scientific research of the laboratory Researchs during the postwar years were covered aiming at the integration of the method of artificial fecundation into the farms of the country. Research T.M. Kozenko suggested glucose-citrate-yolk medium for dilution and storage of boar semen (1950). The treasury of his inventions were included wooden stuffed pigs, an artificial vagina for obtaining semen from boars, a glass device for sow fecundation, etc.
The contribution of Professor I. V. Smirnov to the development of biotechnological science has been evaluated. His name related to the development of the method of long-term semen storage, improvement of techniques and technology of artificial fecundation, the development of the bases of reproductive biology of farm animals. The researches made by the Research were the catalyst for developing the methods of freezing and long-term storage of sperm of begetters by the Researchs of the Laboratory of Biology of Reproduction and Artificial Fecundation of Farm Animals Serdyuk S. I. and Belikov A. A. (1972).
The priority developments of the employees of the Laboratory of Boar Reproduction headed by Prof. S. I. Serdiuk, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, were outlined. They carried out complex researches concerning reproduction and artificial fecundation of pigs, namely quality estimation of boar semen using optical standard, deep freezing of boar semen in liquid nitrogen at -196ºС. There were developed and integrated into practice devices for artificial fecundation of pigs POS-5, system of artificial fecundation of pigs on large specialized complexes.
The Researchs of the laboratory have enriched the national science with new progressive developments, introduced progressive methods of reproduction in breeding farms of Ukraine.
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