DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2022-128-130-140
Keywords: energy costs, efficiency, technology parameters, productivity, technological processes
The results of monitoring and analysis of production and organisational indicators of more than 50 farms have been presented, identifying the main elements that characterise them. There have been covered the main principles of forming the system of technology parameters, the directions of minimizing the determining conditions that negatively affect the production process. It has been explained that enlargement of farms with 50-100 cows considerably raises the technological level of milk production and storage. There were determined the parameters of technological and technical solutions of the enterprises with the number of cows from 50 to 120 heads. There were determined limits of parameters limitation, produced energy efficiency was evaluated and modelled on the example of minimal size (50 cows with annual productivity from 7000 kg to 9000 kg of milk per head). The structure of energy intensity of production was calculated by types – milk, live weight of culled animals, gain of breeding animals received brood. The energy intensity of excrement and litter has been taken into account. It was calculated that the highest proportion in the structure of the energy content of products appropriate for feeding belongs to the energy content of milk produced – 85.7-88.6 %, and since it was the most influential factor in the coefficients of energy efficiency of the main and general products, the functional correlations of the energy content of products and fat were determined. The influence of changes in qualitative indicators of other types of products on energy consumption in production was calculated namely fatness of culled cattle and animals from which growth was obtained.
The functional determined correlations allow us to form the key elements of the cattle breeding production system interrelations, taking into account the peculiarities of a particular system of parameters, determine the energy efficiency of technological processes, and influence effectively the use of all kinds of resources.
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