The level of nervous balance in hucul horse breed of different types

DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2020-124-64-71

Golovach M. J.,
Golovach M. M.,
graduate student,
Precarpathian State Agricultural experimental station of Institute of Agriculture of Carpathian region of NAAS

Keywords: horses, Hucul breed, types, nervous excitability, tests


The level of nervous balance of Hucul horses of different types and lines was studies. It was found that Hucul horses have a relatively high level of nervous balance, the highest balance was characterized by mares of the riding-harness type, which in the fear test received the highest average number of points, while mares of the primary type – the lowest. Horses of the riding type received the highest average number of points when evaluated by the test in the labyrinth.
According to the results of the fear test, the highest scores belong to the stallions of the riding-harness type, and the lowest – to the stallions of the primary type. According to the sound test, the stallions of the primary type received the most points, and according to the test in the labyrinth – the stallions of the riding type.
It is established that the analyzed signs of a nervous balance of stallions and mares of different lines and types are genetically determined. Thus, among the mares, the most balanced were the daughters of Pegazik from the line of the Hroby. Gwint’s daughters from the Gurgul line are also highly valued. Pedro’s daughters from the Goral line were the lowest in the fear test.
In the fear test, the sons of Gwint from the Gurgul line were the highest, and the sons of Pedro from the Goral line were the lowest. In the test in the labyrinth with the best mental abilities were the sons of Pegazik from the line of the Hroby, the worst – the sons of Gwint from the line of Gurgul. Despite the difficulties in overcoming the labyrinth, the sons of Gwint had the highest ostentatious stride lengths.
The largest average stride length among horses of the three groups was obtained by stallions and mares of the riding type, and the smallest by stallions and mares of the primary type. Mares and stallions of the riding harness type took an intermediate place according to that indicator.
The results of our research confirm the possibility of the practical application of the method of assessing the nervous balance of horses. The value of this method lies in its use not only in breeding work but also in practical application to increase economic efficiency.


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