The level of discretion of reproductive qualities and their correlation relations in sows of different interbreed differentiation according to some evaluation indexes

DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2021-125-216-226

Khalak V. I.,
Candidate of Agricultural Sci., senior scientist,,
State Institution «Institute of Grain Crops of NAAS of Ukraine»,
Gutyj B. V.,
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. Sci., Professor,,
Stepan Gzhytskyi National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies Lviv
Korkh I. V.,
Candidate of Agricultural Sci., senior scientist,,
Institute of Animal Science NAAS of Ukraine

Keywords: sow, reproductive qualities, breeding value, evaluation index, discreteness, variability, correlation


 The article presents the results of studies of reproductive qualities of sows of different classes of distribution according to some evaluation indexes, the level of their discreteness and correlation. The study was conducted in agricultural enterprises of the Dnipropetrovsk region and the laboratory of animal husbandry of the State Institution «Institute of Grain Crops of NAAS of Ukraine». The work was performed according to the research program of NAAS №30 «Pigbreeding».
Evaluation of sows for reproductive qualities was carried out taking into account the following characteristics: fertility, goal; high fertility, kg, milk yield, kg; nest weight at the time of weaning at the age of 28 days, kg, safety, %. The level of discrete features of reproductive qualities was calculated by the method of V. V. Seromolot, S. I. Svyatchenko (1984), indexes of reproductive qualities (I) – by the method of M. D. Berezovsky (quoted by P. A. Vashchenko, 2019), IRQ – according to the method of I. P. Sheiko and others (2006), biometric processing of research results – according to the methods of G. F. Lakin (1990).
It is established that sows of the Large White breed of the controlled herd are characterized by high indicators of reproductive qualities. Taking into account the class of distribution of animals according to the index Berezovsky M. D. and the index of reproductive qualities of the sow (IRQ) a significant difference was found in fertility (4.1-4.2 goals), milk yield (23.5–23.7 kg) and nest weight at the time of weaning at the age of 28 days 25.2 kg). The discreteness factor (D) of reproductive traits in sows of the experimental groups ranged from 0.028 to 0.288. The number of significant correlation coefficients between the traits of reproductive qualities of sows and evaluation indices is equal to 90.00 %. The relationship between the index Berezovsky M. D. and the index of reproductive qualities of the sow (IRQ) is equal to 0.990 ± 0.0017 (tr=580.12; p<0.001). This indicates the effectiveness of their use in further breeding and breeding work with pigs of Large White breed. The use of sows of class M+ provides additional products at the level of +16.79–16.98 % or +421.06 -+416.35 UAH/head.


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