The influence of the trakenen breed on the formation of the ukrainian warmblood breed horses

DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2019-121-60-75

Belikova Ekaterina,
postgraduate student,
Tkachova Irina,
Doctor of Science,
Kunets Victoria,
Institute of animal Science of NAAS

Keywords: horses, Ukrainian Warmblood breed, Trakehnen breed, genealogical lines, mares family


The aim of the research was to the influence of Trakenen breed horses study on the formation of the Ukrainian Warmblood breed from the beginning of its creation and at all stages of breeding improvement.
The beginning of work of the Ukrainian Warmblood breed group of horses breeding is characterized by the different variants of crossestesting, high-quality breeding materialselection, including producers and mares of Trakenen breed. In further work, the role og Trakenen breed stallions was increased.
At the beginning of testing half the Mare the uterine part of the horse plants were obtained from crosses with Trakenen breed. At the time of approval of the breed (1990) increased the number of mares the desired genealogical centres: Thoroughbred-Russian Warmblood-Trakenen-Hungarian, Thoroughbred-Trakenen-Hungarian, Thoroughbred-Hannover-Hungarian, Thoroughbred-Hungarian, which amounted to 76.1 percent.
When designing a genealogical lines in the Ukrainian Warmblood breed played a significant role stallions of the Trakenen breed: Typhoon, T 11 Vodopad, T 54 Khobot 106, T 109 Eol and crossbred: 2 Bezpechny, T 09 Khinin 73.
The analysis of the origin of mares-uterine ancestors of families in the Ukrainian Warmblood breed showed that the genealogies leading from them are built on the basis of Trakehner breed. The most numerous family 159 Tema – daughter Trakenen stallion Typhoon is 13.2 % mares of the Ukrainian Warmblood breed. Total in the breed of mares belonging to the mares family of Trakenen origin – 37.9 %.
The evaluation of stallions used in breeding process in the period 2005-2015, to reproduce horses of the Ukrainian riding breed was chosen 199 sires, including 20 (10,1 %) – Ukrainian Warmblood breed.
The analysis of pedigrees of horses participating in competitions of the international and national level in the period 2000-2015 established that the majority of horses from the sample were purebred and came from the classical lines of the Ukrainian horse breed: Bezpechny, Khobot, Huguenot, Khrustal (52.0 %).
The proportion of horses received from sires of the Trakehnen breed was 20.5 %. It is established that the largest proportion of the winners of the competitions at national level – among the offspring of stallions Trakehnen (61.2 %). The percentage of winners of international competitions among the greatest horses received from stallions of the thoroughbred riding breed (14.7 %).
Thus, it is established that from the beginning of creation to the modern stage of modernization of the Ukrainian Warmblood breed, the significant impact it has had horses of Trakehner breed.


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