The gene pool of the trakehner horse breed of domestic selection

DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2022-127-79-89

Zaderikhina O.,
Rossokha V.,
ph. d., sen. research,,
Tur G.,
ph. d.,
Oliinychenko Y.,
ph. d.,,
Brovko O.,
н. с.,
Institute of Animal Science NAAS

Keywords: Trakehner breed, gene pool, alleles, population, horses, frequency


The article outlines the data on the study of the specifics of the gene pool of the horses of the Trakehner breed of domestic selection as a whole (n = 236), and leading tribal business entities and the private sector.
Immunogenetic differences are identified and a comparative characteristic of horses of farms behind frequencies and spectrum of alleles of genetic blood group systems has been carried out.
The population of the Trakehner breed of horses of domestic selection owns a peculiar immunogenetic profile in the context of the tribal business entities and the private sector, owns certain specificity and variability, which is associated with both breed differences and different breeding methods in our country.
In stallions (n=89), the frequency of the Dcegm allele (q=0,034), Dd (q=0.124), Ddg (q=0.079), Ddk (q=0.337) is significantly a significant temple, and Dbcm alleles (q=0.129), Dcgm (q=0.185), Dde (q=0.112) significantly low than the Dcegm mares (n=147) (q=0.014), Dd (q=0.102), Ddg (q=0.065), Ddk (q=0.320) and Dbcm (q=0.146), Dcgm (q=0.207), Dde (q=0.139) – respectively. Also, the stallions had no allele Dad.
The Trakehner horse breed of domestic selection has the highest concentration in the frequencies of alleles DDK (q=0.326), and somewhat high in the frequencies of Dcgm alleles (q=0.199), Dbcm (q=0.139) and Dde  (q=0.129). The allele Dad (q=0,004) is extremely rare.
The most common among all the populations of the Trakehner horse breed studied by us according to the D-system are the alleles Dcgm, Ddk. They were observed on all farms of certified horses of this breed. The highest frequencies of the Dcgm allele in the farms: OOO “Borzhava Plus” (q=0.35), OOO “Kleinoda” (q=0.33), OOO “KSK”Prodani koni”(q=0.31), SOOO AF “Zorya”(q=0.21) and private owners (q=0.22). The frequency of the Ddk allele is the highest in the farms of OOO “Borzhava Plus” (q=0.65), the horse farm “Vinnichina” (q=0.50), OOO “Kleinoda” (q=0.50), OOO “Russia” (q=0.50).
In the same system, the Dcegm allele was observed in 4 farms: SOOO AF “Zorya” (q=0.03), the equestrian plant “Vinnichina” (q=0.07), in small farms (q=0.03) and frequent sectors (q=0.05).
The highest number of homozygous horses of the Trakehner breed in farms: GP “Pivdenkonetsenter” (N = 5), OOO “Russia” (n = 5) and in small farms (n = 8).


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