The decrease of technological losses while raising piglets during the sucking period by introducing probiotic complex drug to the rations

DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2019-121-104-110

Zhukorskiy Ostap Myroslavovych,
Doctor of Science, professor, corresponding member of NAAS,
National Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Ukraine,
Danilenko S. G.,
Doctor of Science,
Institute of Food Resources NAAS,
Chorna O. O.
postgraduate student,
Institute of breeding and animal genetics named M.V. Zubtsa NAAS,
Semenov Sergey Alekseevich,
Institute of Pig Production and Agricultural Production NAAS

Keywords: pigs, piglets, probiotics, rasing, productivity


The article presents the data on the determination of the effectiveness of using the probiotic complex preparation “TIMM-S” in the raising of newborn piglets. The aim of the research was to study the effect of a complex probiotic drug on animal growth, hematological parameters and a decrease in the technological losses of piglets in the suckig period. Scientific and economic experiment was conducted on pigs of the Poltava breed. For this purpose, 12 heads of sow sows, analogues by age and live weight were selected, and two groups were formed, control and experimental, each of which consisted of 6 pigs. Piglets, which were obtained from sows of the experimental group, were perorally given a probiotic “TIMM-C” in the form of an aqueous suspension of 5 cm3 per head. Preperate has a polycomponent composition of 4 highly active strains: Bifidobacterium infantis, B. suis, Lactobacillus acidophilus, L. plantarum. The amount of lactic acid bacteria is 1×109 CFU / cm3, bifidobacterium – 3×109 CFU / cm3.
During the experiment from control and experimental groups sows received 50 and 49 live piglets, on average 8.33 and 8.17 piglets respectively were received on the farrow. At 45 days of age, on average, from one sow, piglets were weaned in the control group of 6.5 heads, and in the experiment, 7.5 heads or 15 % more.
The number of red blood cells was higher in animals of the experimental group by 8.6 % against the background value of 5.8 million × 1012 / l, but the difference was not significant. Optimal conditions for the growth of piglets in the course of their use of the probiotic drug studied in the experimental group caused a significant increase in the hemoglobin concentration relative to the analogues in the control by 9.0 % (p≤0.001), contributed to a general increase in the content of total protein and calcium by 3 % , phosphorus is 4.7 % in serum.
Feeding the drug “TIMM-S” in the form of aqueous suspension in the amount of 5 cm3 on the head to subsyseous pigs increased: preservation by 13,8 %; significantly increased the growth of live weight and positively influenced the process of erythropoiesis, protein and mineral metabolism in the body of animals.


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