Technological process of temperature preparation of the fodder mixture in cold time of the year

DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2019-122-74-83

Volokh Vadim,
Lohvynenko Mykhailo,,
Mohutova Valentyna,
Luhansk National Agrarian University

Keywords: forage foragetable, cold season, forage heating, infrared emitter, cattle


The issue of temperature preparation of the forage mixture in the cold season using infrared heaters was considered. An infrared film is used as an infrared heater. The forage table has an original design in the form of a paraboloid, which provides a fairly quick heating of the entire forage volume.
An analysis of the studies revealed the urgency of the problem of temperature preparation of forage mixtures in the cold season to reduce the number of cases of diseases of the oral cavity, respiratory tract, intestinal tract and increase animal productivity.
In order to achieve the goal of research and determine the original design of the forage table, existing designs and possible ways of heating the forage were analyzed. An original design of the forage table was proposed, which is made in the form of a paraboloid with heated forage for cattle using infrared heat emitters located in the forage table. A heat-reflecting screen in the form of a paraboloid is installed, the temperature controller is functionally connected with the energy carrier.
The necessary requirements for the control unit were determined, which allow to increase the operational manufacturability of the device. The economical and rational use of electricity during the operation of heating elements was achieved by regulating power using the method of pulse-width modulation. An ATmega328 microcontroller mounted on an Arduino Nano series board was proposed as a control unit; its programming was carried out in accordance with the necessary algorithm in the Arduino IDE programming and development environment. Electrical safety measures were considered.
A technological scheme was proposed, using effective infrared heat emitters, for heating the forage mixture, a microprocessor control unit that allows for a short time to obtain temperature indicators of the forage, which make it possible to minimize the cost of heating the forage, reduce the likelihood of animal diseases, and increase their productivity.


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