Technological and economic assessment of products in households for various technologies of poultry maintenance

DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2020-123-78-88

Drachuk Inna Valerievna,
graduate student,
Institute of Animal Science NAAS of Ukraine
Katerinich Oleg Aleksandrovich,
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Researcher,
Ryabinina Elena Viktorovna,
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Researcher,,
State Research Station of Poultry NAAS

Keywords: poultry farming, technology, egg, meat, profitability of production, farming

The purpose of the research is to carry out a comparative analysis of the level of profitability production of poultry products in the farms under different technologies of poultry keeping and to determine the ways of its optimization in the conditions within the farm and farm households. The study was conducted at the Department of Breeding, Technology and Innovation Management of the State Poultry Research Station of the NAAS. The level of profitability for different technologies for keeping poultry in poultry farms in Ukraine was calculated using official statistics on the website of the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine and own surveys of keeping poultry of different species.
Specialized farms use traditional cages (conventional cages) according to the international classification for the production of food eggs. In most cases, without the financial means of the population, they use the free or free-range keeping of chickens to produce eggs. Despite the current nature of this method of restraint in financial resources, it makes it impossible to realize the genetic potential of the bird.
By structure, chicken meat production in Ukraine is also concentrated in two sectors – specialized farms for broiler chickens and households. When growing broiler chickens in all specialized farms use the technology of needless keeping. This technology is also used by the public. At the same time, a significant number of broiler chickens and farmers are grown using traditional, used type cell batteries. The use of such a second-hand allows to increase by 2-3 times the keeping on the floor of the poultry house and to reduce the specific costs of feed, heating and lighting.
Using the abstract-logical method, the economic components of the production of food eggs and chicken meat in farms of different types were analyzed. Significant superiority of specialized enterprises over households was found in terms of profitability, respectively, in the production of eggs – 48.3 versus 9.64 %, meat of broiler chickens – 76.2 and 59.0. Unfortunately, the powerful agrarian sector, which is present in most developed countries, such as farms, cannot develop as fast in Ukraine, which significantly delays the level of domestic production of poultry products and significantly reduces the export potential development. Improving the performance of small and medium-sized businesses, and especially for farms, is possible due to a number of requirements aimed at streamlining this process. This includes the use of better poultry, including domestic breeding, the introduction of modern energy and resource-saving technologies that combine not only microclimate but also safe feeding and disease control.


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