DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2023-129-220-232
Keywords: selection index, evaluation index, selection, crossbreeding, Landrace, Duroc, Pietren, Large White breed, pigs
An increase in the productivity of animals is associated with a general improvement of the population, which largely depends on the accuracy of the genotype assessment. The most accurate estimates can be obtained with the help of modern indices: evaluation and selection. At the same time, it is important to calculate the weight coefficients of the traits included in the selection index structure, separately for each herd (breed). Evaluation by indices allows selecting the best animals in the herd for further use. According to the results of the evaluation of the reproductive qualities of sows in crossbreeding using evaluation and selection indices, the superiority of large white breed sows covered with boars of the landrace breed was established, and the lowest among pigs of the combinations ♀P×♂D and ♀D×♂P. At the stage of studying the growth dynamics of pigs, we studied the patterns of individual development of animals in ontogenesis according to criteria that would characterize growth indicators and allow us to determine the type of their formation. Animals of the ♀D×♂P group outperformed their counterparts and other experimental groups. Animals of the ♀P×♂D and ♀D×♂P groups had the highest index of growth uniformity. At the same time, the control group and the combination ♀VB×♂L were inferior to them. The superiority of pigs in terms of growth intensity of the ♀D×♂P group shows the high energy of the formation of animals, they reached slaughter conditions faster under the same conditions of keeping and feeding compared to other groups. Animals of the combination ♀P×♂D were characterized by the most uniform growth at this stage. During the fattening period, the superiority of the offspring of the combination ♀D×♂P in terms of the index of fattening qualities was preserved. In order to select highly productive individuals, for further use in crossbreeding, we calculated selection indices for evaluating gilts by reproductive capacity, for evaluating the fattening and fattening and meat qualities of the offspring.
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