DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2019-121-121-127
Keywords: RYR-I gene, DNA, pig, adaptation, stress, "formalin spot"
Stress factors play a negative role in the modern technology of weaned piglets. These actions causedинlack of breast milk, loss of parent relations, change of litter, transportation to farms or internal rearrangement, changes of conditions of detention. Minor stress for animals can be a contributing factor to the health and stability of an organism to changing conditions. Strong stimuli have a negative effect on pigs that can lead to a deterioration of homeostasis, resistance, and at the final stage – the deterioration of productivity and animal disease.That is why our goal was to study the effect of stereses on animals in various genetic combinations.
At SE “EFSteppe” of Poltava regionin order to identify the genetically determined features of the stress-sensitivity of purebred and crossbreed pigs, reseaches were performed using an immunological (“formalin spot” method during weaning piglets) and DNA tests (q.1843C>T polymorphism of RYR1 genestudy).
It was established that the greatest number of stres-sensitivity pigs were in the crossbreed group BW×(M×1/8P). In the BW×BW group, in the presence of stress-sensitive pigs, there were also stress-undetermined BW×BW pigs – 20 %. The part of stress-resistant animals in the group BW×M was 88 %, in the group BW×BW – 80 % and in the group BW×(M×1 / 8P) – 76 %, respectively.
The RYR1 gene was investigated by polymerase chain reaction. It was found that pigs BW×(M×1/8P) are carriers of the mutant allele of the stress T (3 %), which is manifested only in the homozygous state, and they are considered stress-resistant . The presence of T-allele is associated with the use of Pietrainpig breed, as an improver of meat qualities of pigs. For pigs of the group BW×BW and BW×M, the stress allele was not detected.
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