DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2023-129-90-102
Keywords: dairy farming, field fodder production, specialization, concentration, strategic management, mechanism
The article provides the substantiation of strategic guidelines for the formation of rational sizes of agrarian enterprises of dairy direction of specialization in the context of the increase of economic efficiency of their activity. There are denoted the main elements of conceptual and categorical apparatus of research of the size, scale, specialization and concentration of production in agrarian enterprises. It is determined, that the size of the agrarian enterprise of the dairy direction is a complex characteristic of its productive potential, which reflects by means of the system of parameters of the land tenure area and the number of the agricultural animals the possibilities of the enterprise to achieve certain results of milk production and its intensification at the preservation of the spatial characteristics of the enterprise. There have been studied the peculiarities of formation and functioning of the organizational-economic mechanism of managing the size of agrarian enterprises of the dairy direction. There has been grounded the methodical approach to changing the size of agrarian milk producing enterprises. There has been estimated the dynamics of levels of specialization, concentration and economic efficiency of milk production and sale in agrarian enterprises. There have been revealed the tendencies of attracting the instruments of rationalization of the production structure and the sizes of the milk producing enterprises. It substantiates the directions of development of economic potential of agrarian enterprises of dairy specialization. There have been defined the peculiarities and limits of the usage of integration instruments of rationalization of the size of agrarian milk producing enterprises. It determines the strategic guidelines for stabilization of the dairy cattle breeding sector in the present conditions and identifies the exclusive importance of the field fodder production as a catalyst for the sector development. It has been established that the key strategic guidelines for the development of dairy cattle breeding in agrarian enterprises should be the prevention of land degradation in the use of agricultural holdings, multinational companies and large land users with the introduction of appropriate regulatory measures; observance of food security of the country by balancing domestic production by stimulating Russian cattle breeding; development of export potential and reduction of import dependence of the domestic market.
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