DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2020-124-97-104
Keywords: pig breeding, young pigs, slaughter traits, meat, lines
The aim of the research, the results of which are presented in the article, was a comparative study of the slaughter qualities of the leading lines of boars of the Welsh and Landrace breeds of domestic selection. The research was carried out based on the slaughterhouse of FG “Shubske” of Bohodukhiv district of Kharkiv region, based on a breeding breeder for keeping Welsh pigs during 2020. The research was conducted based on traditional approaches. Slaughter was performed at a live weight of 100 kg ± 5%. The slaughter traits were evaluated according to the following traits: the thickness of the lard at different points, the slaughter yield, the length of the half-carcass, the length and width of the bacon half and the area of the muscle cell. According to the results of the assessment of slaughter qualities of young animals, no significant difference between the groups was found. Thus, the average pre-slaughter weight ranged from 98.45-99.40 kg, slaughter weight – 73.80-75.00 kg and, accordingly, slaughter yield – 75.03-75.44%. Such insignificant differences in slaughter yield between different lines of pigs are explained by the fact that both breeds are similar in appearance and level of productivity, are in the same conditions of keeping and feeding (in one farm) and are selected by the same generation principle. Regarding the linear measurements of half-carcasses, the differences between the groups were insignificant, but in terms of the measurements of the bacon half of the Welsh pigs, there were probably different traits in comparison with the Landrace pigs. However, despite the lack of probable differences between the breeds of Landrace and Welsh, the length of the bacon half and the area of the muscular membrane – Landrace were slightly higher than in Welsh. Analysis of fat measurements showed that the differences between the groups were insignificant. At the same time, despite the absence of probable differences between the average breeds (groups IV and VII), animals of groups II and III were marked by slightly leaner carcasses compared to Landrace pigs (p <0.05). The differences between Landrace and Welsh breeds are insignificant in terms of the slaughter qualities of young animals. Probable differences are found only between young animals from individual lines in the Landrace breed and their peers in the Welsh breed. The general level of meat in both breeds is at a high enough level, which indicates the possibility of further use in breeding work with these breeds of all boars evaluated in these studies.
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