1. |
Until the 90th anniversary of the birth of Grigory Oleksandrovich Bogdanov (1930–2009)
Kunets V.V.
2. |
Oleksiy Dmirovich Bugrov – renowned Ukrainian reproductive specialist (remember about a colleague and mentor)
Sushko O. B.
3. |
Antioxidant activity of vegetative organs of dendrobium parishii rchb.f. in the muscle tissue of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss walbaum): in vitro model study
Lyudmyla Buyun, Oleksandr Gyrenko, Maryna Opryshko, Lyudmyla Kovalska, Halyna Tkachenko, Natalia Kurhaluk
4. |
Identification of the antibacterial efficacy of ethanolic extracts from aglaonema commutatum schott leaves and its cultivars against escherichia coli strain
Opryshko M., Gyrenko O., Buyun L., Tkachenko H., Kurhaluk N., Tomin V.
5. |
In vitro screening for antimicrobial potential of ethanolic leaf extracts of some begonia species against methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) strain
Tkachenko H., Kurhaluk N., Buyun L., Tomin V.
6. |
Exercise-induced alterations of the oxidative stress biomarkers in erythrocytesof ponies involved in recreational horseback riding
Tkachenko H., Kurhaluk N., Tkachova I.
7. |
Phenotypic consolidation coefficients of birth-weight indicators in sows of welsh breed
Tsereniuk O. M., Martyniuk I. M., Akimov O. V., Shkavro N. M., Babicz M.
8. |
Associative relationships of kappa-casein, beta-lactoglobulin, leptin and soma-totropin genotypes with dairy productivity in simmental breed
Boyko Yelena, Rossokha Vladimir, Drobyazko Oksana, Oliinychenko Yelyzaveta, Zaderikhina Elena
9. |
Selection and breeding work with producing stock of sheep breeds reared in Belarus
Herman Yuri Ivanovich, Herman Anzhelika Ivanovna, Grekova Irina Evgenevna
10. |
Technological and economic assessment of products in households for various technologies of poultry maintenance
Drachuk Inna Valerievna, Katerinich Oleg Aleksandrovich, Ryabinina Elena Viktorovna
11. |
Development of replacement heifers related to the different genealogical lines of the simmental breed in the post-natal ontogeny
Kohut M.
12. |
A. A. Belikov’s scientific legacy in the development of reproduction biology, theory and practice of artificial insemination in pigs (timed to the 85th anniversary of birth)
Martynyuk Irina
13. |
Features of valuation of domestic animals
Marchuk Alla
14. |
Assessment of stallions of the novoaleksandrovsky draft breed
Pavlovsky S. S. ,Tkachova Irina
15. |
The determination of selection borders for pigs
Pelykh Viktor Hrihorovich, Ushakova Svitlana Valeriivna
16. |
Comprehensive assessment of farming rams’ breeding value related to different genotypes
Pomitun Ivan, Kosova Nadezhda, Korkh Igor, Pankiv Lubov, Boyko Natalia, Ryazanov Pavel, Danilova T., Mamchich V. V.
17. |
Justification of candidate polymorphisms usage in marker-assisted selection of ukrainian meaty pig breed
Rossokha V., Oliynichenko Y., Boyko O., Zaderikhina O.
18. |
Impact of technological and constructive features of preparation and distribution of feed in groups on the main indicators of microclimate in groups of farrowing old piglets from one to three months
Sikun M.
19. |
Morphometric and reproductive characteristics of the central asian shepherd dog breed under different housing conditions
Sobol Olga Mikhailovna
20. |
Daily dynamics of sexual hunting signs in cows and heifers of mating age of dairy herd with loose housing
Tkachov A. V., Shahova Y. Y.
21. |
Genealogical lines in the orlov’s trotting breed of the ukrainian part of the pop-ulation
Iryna Tkachova, Frolova A.
22. |
Calculation of genetic potential of productivity in pig breeding
Tsereniuk Aleksandr