Rules for drafting articles


Articles are accepted according to the rules agreed with the requirements of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine.

STB of LFI of NAAS accepts articles of a problem considering and generalizing nature, in which the results of scientific research with statistical processing of data, which have theoretical and practical significance, are highlighted. In case significant parts of texts or experimental data have already been published, manuscripts are rejected. The originality of the text is at least 80%.

STB publishes articles in the following specialties: Agricultural Sciences (204 – Technology of Manufacturing and Processing of Livestock Products, 201 – Agronomy) and 211 – Veterinary Medicine.

Files should be named by the last name of the first author and the scientific direction of the article, for example: ” Кучеренко_агрономія ” or “Kucherenko_ahronomiya”.


Technical requirements:

Manuscript file format – MS Word (*.doc, *.docx)

Page format – A4,

Orientation – book,

Font – Times New Roman

Line spacing – 1.0

Width of the fields – 2.5 cm, the left one is 3.5 cm

Paragraph indentation – 1.25 cm.


Manuscripts are accepted in Ukrainian and English. The Journal is published in English. The editors provide the translation.

The total volume of the article is 10-20 pages. (at least 15 thousand characters with spaces, without abstract, references and photo).

Structure of the article  
UDC index exception on the left edge without paragraph indentation, 12 pt
Title of the article capital letters, exception in the center. 14 pt, bold
Author’s data No more than 5 authors.

Name and surname (in full), academic degree, title, ORCID code, e-mail. (If the author is not registered with ORCID, you need to create an account at After the author’s last name, a footnote for affiliation is placed.

Affiliation After the footnote number, in plain text, exception in the center, 12 pt. Organization (place of work), city, country.
Abstract Italics, 12 pt, at least 1800 characters with spaces.

The abstract concisely and informatively describes the data on the location of the study, the main results and their practical value, the purpose and methods of work are NOT indicated.

Sentences and paragraphs from sections of the article shouldn’t be copied into the abstract.

Keywords Italics, 12 pt,

5-7 words or phrases.

Introduction Exception in width, 12 pt

1-2 pp.

The section highlights the current state of the considered problem, the scientific novelty of the work, analyzes research and publications over the past 5 years, substantiates the relevance, highlights the purpose of the research in bold. In each reference, briefly disclose the essence and results of the research of the cited author(s). References to the literature must be submitted in round brackets (…), for example: (Ivanov A. V., 2023; Zlobin S. E. et al., 2022a). If you need to indicate a reference inside the line, you should indicate only the year in (), for example: Tymoshin M. (2023) in his work ….”.

You should not cite more than 3 sources in one reference.

Research materials and methods The research object and the experimental base are indicated. The described methodology should make it possible to fully reproduce your research.
Research results The section of the experimental article should make up at least 70% of the volume of the article (not including abstract and references) with a full justification of the obtained scientific results.

Tables, figures and formulas should be numbered and presented after referring to them in the text. The word “Table __” should be written in italics on the right with the number in Arabic numerals. The title of the table is in bold, the exception is in the center. References to tables in the text are abbreviated before placing the table. Notes to the table are in italics, font 10 pt, without paragraph indentation.

Formulas should be created in the formula editor, exception in the center. If there is a reference to the formula in the text, it is numbered with an Arabic numeral in round brackets from the right edge within the page formatting.

The title of the figure (e.g., Fig. 1. Title.) is in bold, widthwise, without paragraph indentation. Each figure must be referenced in the text (fig. __). Conventional designations and captions in the figure – font 10 pt.

Discussion In this section, it is necessary to compare the results of one’s own research with the results of the works of other authors cited in the introductory part, which are closest to the research topic.
Conclusions It is recommended to give numbered conclusions.


Acknowledgments The section is optional, it expresses thanks to the organizations for their technical assistance; ideas; financial support that made the research possible.


References Place the sources in alphabetical order, without numbering.

The experimental article should have at least 20 sources, the review article should have at least 40, mainly from scientific publications indexed in the scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science for the last 5 years, 90% of the sources should have a DOI or electronic references. It is not possible to refer to non-scientific literature (national standards, technical conditions, lecture notes, etc.).

If necessary, references to patents, standards, technical documentation should be made as footnotes at the bottom of the page, but should NOT be included in References section.

You should avoid references to your works – no more than 10%.

The surname and initials of all (!) authors are indicated. Initials are written after the surname.

References are drawn up only in Latin. English-language references are drawn up in accordance with foreign bibliographic standards, APA style

List items in Ukrainian and Russian must be transliterated. For transliteration from the Ukrainian language, Passport (KMU 2010) is used, and from Russian – the standard: BGN. References to the literature of the aggressor country should be avoided.

Articles should be sent to the following address: 61026, Tvarinnykiv Str. 1-A, Kharkiv, LFI NAAS, room 27 “Editorial of STB of LFI of NAAS”. Phone: (099) 310-67-09. Electronic versions of articles should be sent to: