DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2019-121-181-190
Keywords: milking, highly productive cows, udder, preparatory operations, lactation indicators
A dairy cattle breeding is one of the leading livestock sectors, the improvement of conservation technology and increasing the period of use and maintenance of high milk yield of cows when introducing domestic and foreign milking equipment being a key factor of its successful development in Ukraine. At the same time, many important issues concerning automatic milking of cows in dairy parlors remain underexplored. To a lesser extent, the influence of various techniques on the milking process of all cow herd has been studied, methodological approaches to determining the level of their influence on lactation indicators during the performance of certain standard mechanized processes, the optimal modes of operation of equipment that can clearly take into account the current physiological needs of each animal in the herd have not been developed. An important link in obtaining high-quality milk is pre-dairy and post-dill treatment of cow’s lips. These measures can reduce the morbidity of mastitis of cows in the herd by 50–70 %, as well as increase the level of purity of the udder and minimize the risk of infection with the associated mastitis causative agents.Therefore, the purpose of the research consisted in the substantiation and improvement of certain techniques of automatic milking of high-yielding cows on complexes of industrial type. It has been established that when using traditional and group methods of preparation of high-yielding cows for milking in parlors in comparison with group technique with the use of disinfectants, the average intensity of milk yield decreases respectively by 8.6 % and 5.0 %, and the duration of milking process, on the contrary, increases by 12.8 % (p<0.05) and 8.1 %. Along with this, it has been proved that the use of the group technique with the use of disinfectants provides milk of higher grade with the quantity index of somatic cells within 49–94 ths/cm3. Researches confirm the importance of preparatory operations during machine milking, which stimulate the intensity of milk removal production and improve the hygienic quality of milk.
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