Rational use of genetic resources on the example of simmental breeds of cattle

DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2019-121-163-170

Mirose Vitaliy Vasilyevich,
Doctor of Sciences, Professor,
Zolotaryova Svetlana Anatolyevna,
Kharkiv National Agrarian University V. V. Dokuchaeva,
Vasilets Valentina Grigorievna,
Berestovaya Lyudmila Evgenievna,
Lugansk National Agrarian University,
Kovtun Sergey,
ORCID 0000-0002-7184-680X,
Kharkiv National Agrarian University V. V. Dokuchaeva

Keywords: regime leakage, heat resistance, average daily gain, bullheads, Simmental breed


The article presents the results of growing of young dairy and meatSimmental, hybrids of dairy and meat Simmental with Austrian selectionmeatSimmental, and Austrian selectionmeatSimmental breed. Studies were conducted at the breeding plant “Golovenkovskoye” Borznyansky district of Chernihiv region by the technology of beef cattle on the ground under the cows. Studied the dynamics of live weight and average daily gains of bulls of the Simmental breed of different directions of productivity when using regime suction from birth to 6 months of age. It was found that these indicators were the best in animals of the third group (Simmental meat Austrian breed) during the whole study. Thus, the increase in live weight compared with animals of group I was large by 6.7-7.5%, group II – 3.6-3.8%, and the average daily increase over the entire period of experience – by 4.6% and 2 , 2% respectively. Also determined the fitness of bulls Simmentals breed of various breeding in conditions of detention in Ukraine. The change in air temperature during the summer period during the day was studied and its influence on the body temperature, respiration rate and pulse at different times of the day was established, and the heat resistance index of young cattle was calculated. We studied the body’s protective system of bulls of experimental groups with the help of some indicators of specific and nonspecific immunity. For this, an analysis was made of the results obtained from immunological blood parameters, where T-lymphocytes, phagocytic activity and phagocytic index in the rock section were studied. It has been established that the bulls of the Simmental meat Austrian breed were distinguished by a more active system of specific cellular and humoral immune protection, and the bulls of the local Simmental milk-meat breed had an increased phagocytic activity.


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