Psychophysiological properties of puppies as selection markers for their further use

DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2020-124-89-96

Kovalenko Valentina,
PhD, assistant professor,,
Glazkov Eduard,
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor,,
Halytska Liudmyla,
Assistant, biology teacher,,
Levchenko Artur,
Luhansk State Medical University

Keywords: puppies, psychophysiological properties, behavior, tests, selection


When selecting puppies suitable for further breeding, training and coaching, it is necessary to pay attention to both the state of health and the expressiveness of the necessary psychophysiological qualities. Psychophysiological qualities (properties) of puppies are realized in their behavior, so to determine their condition, various tests are conducted, which simulate some life situations that help determine the necessary behavior of animals. Psychophysiological properties of puppies act as inclinations or abilities, the development of which in the process of further training (training) ensures the implementation of the tasks set before the cytological units.
This material provides a comparative analysis and repeatability of test results for puppies at different stages of their individual development, according to the methods of Stanley Koren and William Campbell. The findings suggest a discrepancy in the results of testing the behavioural qualities of puppies by the methods of Stanley Koren and William Campbell. The behavioural traits reported in the Stanley Roots tests have a fairly high positive correlation in ontogenesis (r ꞊ +0.59 – +0.87), and therefore, with age, are undoubtedly inherited, in contrast to the traits reported in the William Campbell tests (r ꞊ -0.09 – +0.28). The highest correlation, in Stanley Koren’s tests, was observed between the indicators of testing puppies in the II and III periods of socialization (r ꞊ + 0.78 – + 0.87).
The study of correlations of behavioral characteristics of puppies at different stages of ontogenesis, allowed us to identify the most informative features for selection (markers), and hence the ability to increase the likelihood of selection of puppies for behavioral characteristics at an early age.
As a practical application, the recommended age is approximately 14 – 17 weeks, as an ideal period for testing puppies, using the most informative selection markers (psychophysiological properties) specified in the Stanley Root tests.


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