DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2023-129-233-244
Keywords: young pigs, breed, fattening and meat qualities, index, variability, correlation, cost of additional products
The article presents the results of the study of biochemical indicators of blood serum and their relationship with the fattening and meat qualities of young pigs of the large white breed, as well as the calculation of the level of correlations between the signs and the economic efficiency of their use in the conditions of the industrial complex.
Studies show that the biochemical indicators of blood serum of young pigs of the large white breed correspond to the physiological norm of clinically healthy animals, namely: the total protein content is 83.46 g/l, the urea content is 5.15 mmol/l, the urea nitrogen content is 10.14 mg %; the coefficient of variation of the specified quantitative features of the interior ranges from 4.85 to 14.99 %. By the age of reaching a live weight of 100 kg, the animals of the total sample (N=42) exceed the minimum requirements of the elite class by 6.57, the thickness of lard at the level of 6-7 thoracic vertebrae – 28.62, the length of the chilled carcass – 3.72 %.
Taking into account the intrabreed differentiation of animals according to the “intensity of formation” index, it was established that the young pigs of the II experimental group (∆t=0.715-1.011) prevailed over the peers of the same age I (∆t=1.076-1.356) in terms of average daily live weight gain, the age of reaching a live weight of 100 kg and fat thickness at the level of 6-7 thoracic vertebrae by an average of 3.61%. There was no significant difference between the groups in the thickness of lard at the level of 6-7 thoracic vertebrae, the length of the chilled carcass, the largest (front) and smallest (back) width of the bacon half of the carcass. The number of reliable connections between biochemical indicators of blood serum, fattening and meat qualities of young pigs of the controlled population is 33.33 %. The criterion for selecting highly productive animals of the main herd according to the absolute indicators of the fattening and meat qualities of their offspring is their compliance with the elite class, and according to the “intensity of formation” index – 0.715-1.011 points.
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