DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2023-130-102-111
Keywords: polymorphism, population, cattle, allele, genotype, variability
The analysis of the prospects of using complex genotypes at the loci of beta-casein, prolactin and leptin in marker-assisted breeding programs of Ukrainian Black-and-White and Red-and-White dairy breeds of cattle to create experimental groups of animals producing A2 milk was carried out. Data are given on the peculiarities of the distribution of allele frequencies and genotypes at the loci of beta-casein (c.350С>А, rs43703011), prolactin (c.35333764C>T, rs211032652) and leptin (c.239C>T, rs29004508) in experimental cattle populations. It was established that in both cattle populations, the loci of beta-casein, prolactin and leptin are polymorphic according to experimental mutations. The expediency of using complex genotypes for each of the polymorphic loci for the selection of individuals of both research breeds for the purpose of use in further selection work is substantiated. The number of individuals with the “desired” complex genotypes in each population was determined as CSN2A2A2PRLCCLEPCC for the Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy breed and CSN2A2A2PRLTTLEPCC for the Ukrainian Red-and-White dairy breed. According to the results of the research, it was found out that in the research group of cattle of the Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy breed, the number of individuals with the “desired” complex genotype is 10%, while in the population of the Ukrainian Red-and-White dairy breed it is 17% of the total sample (n =30). It has been proven that the minimum number of individuals required for genetic population studies (n=30, FAO) is insufficient for the effective selection of animals with the desired complex genotypes based on the identified polymorphic loci in both breeds of dairy cattle. Using the obtained data, it is proposed to carry out further marker-assisted selection in order to obtain experimental groups of A2 milk-producing animals based on the selection of individuals with the desired complex genotypes in both experimental cattle breeds using the Gene Pyramiding method. Gene Pyramiding with the markers aims to obtain individuals with the best economic traits according to the optimal breeding scheme, which involves the selection of the desired target alleles and the pyramiding of their most optimal combinations into one complex genotype.
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