DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2020-124-79-88
Keywords: dairy productivity, dairy cows, protected protein, starch, energy-protein supplement
The article presents research materials to study the possibility of increasing the milk productivity of high-yielding cows through the use of new technology of their feeding – through the use of protected from cleavage in the rumen protein and starch in the feed additive TEP-mix. The scientific and economic experiment was carried out on dairy cows-analogues of the first half of lactation of the Ukrainian Black-Spotted dairy breed. During the study, the actual chemical composition of feed was determined, feeding rations and compound feed recipes were developed taking into account the content of fissile protein and milk productivity of experimental animals, the actual feed consumption by cows, milk productivity, milk quality, calculated cost-effectiveness of the studied energy supplement.
The difference between the rations of the control and experimental groups was the structure and composition of the feed. In the experimental group, part of the concentrated feed was replaced by energy-protein supplement TEP-mix, with a high degree (65 %) of protection against splitting in the rumen, which increased this figure in the diet of cows in general.
The use of new feeding methods increased the productivity of cows with natural milk by 2.0 kg compared to the control group, the amount of fat and protein in milk – by 0.20 % and 0.17 %, respectively. As a result, the average daily hopes for the period of the experiment in terms of basic fat in the experimental group was higher by 3.9 kg, which allowed to obtain 349.2 kg more milk per cow in 89 days.
In determining the economic efficiency of the use of high-yielding cows in the feeding of additives TEP-mix allowed to obtain an additional average for the period of the experiment up to 32.59 UAH. per 1 cow per day or UAH 0.98. per 1 kg of milk.
The use of feed additives with a high content of protein and starch TEP-mix will allow you to balance the feeding rations of cattle more accurately, adjust the diet of high-yielding dairy cattle in the early stages of lactation to obtain maximum productivity while maintaining health and productive longevity.
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