DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2024-132-124-139

Viktor PISKUN,
Livestock farming institute of NAAS of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine,
Poltava State Agrarian University, Poltava, Ukraine,
Senior researcher,,
Livestock farming institute of NAAS of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Keywords: technologies, compound feed, dosing, displacement, destruction, components

Two options for resource-saving technology of mechanized production of compound feeds and PVMS with flexible connections were developed and implemented in farm conditions with loaded backup of weighing batchers and mixers and with loaded backup of mixers.

The studies have established that the dosing accuracy of 0.1 kg., the mixer shaft revolutions have an impact on the mixing quality indicator, so at 30 rpm. mixing quality is 95.18%, and at 46 rpm. – 96.1% and 1 min of mixing. Based on a multifactor experiment, polynomial linear and quadratic models were obtained for the mixing quality of compound feed ingredients due to the factors: rotation speed, number of blades and operating time with a mixer volume of 0.54 m3. The time spent on performing operations for the production of compound feed was determined and two versions of the cycle diagrams of the process of compound feed production of technological lines were constructed: with loaded redundancy of weighing batchers and mixers and with loaded redundancy of mixers.

The time of the initial cycle of the process of compound feed production of technological lines was established:

– with the redundancy of weighing batchers and mixers, the time of the initial cycle was 9.7 min. and the established cycle was 6.9 min.

– with the redundancy of mixers, the time of the initial cycle of the process of compound feed production of technological lines with a capacity of 2 tons per hour was 9.7 min. and the established cycle was 5.9 min.

It was established that the productivity of technological lines for the production of compound feed was:

– using technology with flexible connections and loaded redundancy of two weighing batchers and two mixers – 1.974 t.

– using technology with flexible connections and a weighing dispenser, which provides unloading of raw material components in two opposite directions and loaded redundancy of two mixers – 2.307 t.


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