DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2021-126-70-79
Keywords: dairy productivity, robotic milking, technology, feeding, feed production parameters, profitability
The work aimed to develop advanced technology in dairy cattle breeding using robotic milking of cows for the production of high-quality milk and dairy raw materials.
The research was conducted on an array of low-capacity enterprises, including farms of the NAAS Network (annual production of up to 20 thousand tons of milk). The possibility of a modular increase in the use of individual elements of robotic milking technology during its extension is analyzed and the main standard size is determined – 100-150 cows.
An array of statistical and empirical data is processed, individual elements of the phenomenon under study are studied in detail on the example of specific objects, and parameters of milk production under certain conditions are developed and determined. The theoretical and methodological basis was official materials of the statistics department, legislative and regulatory acts of state authorities on the development of the agro-industrial complex, works of domestic and foreign scientists on the development of the agricultural sector.
Determination of the rational level of the number of cattle, dairy productivity of cows and production parameters of the farm when using robotic cow milking technology is carried out based on monitoring the possibilities of using milking equipment (robot) in the conditions of various technological solutions. The rational technology of keeping cows and the level of their productivity – 7.5-8.0 thousand kg of milk per year-are justified, and the limits of the required average costs for a farm using robotic milking are determined.
By certain parameters, the rational structure of the herd and its total number are justified. These indicators made it possible to establish the parameters of feed production and feed supply for the milk production enterprise by the established level of cow productivity, as well as to calculate the natural indicators of resource consumption and the required level of investment. In particular, the total demand for feed with the insurance fund is 20.9 thousand C of feed units., including mixed feed – 9.3 thousand centers of feed units. (of these, grain is 8.0 thousand centers of feed units), juicy-3.6 thousand C feed units., rough-5.0 thousand rubles. C feed units., green-2.6 thousand C feed units., animals – 0.4 thousand centers of feed. units.
The total annual amount of revenue from the sale of dairy cattle products is 9072 thousand UAH. with the specified total cost of milk and beef in live weight, the total profit can be 3249 thousand UAH per year. Under these conditions, the level of profitability of dairy cattle production is 55.8 %.
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