Overview of organic fertilizer processing methods

DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2019-122-92-102

Izhboldina Olena,
PhD, Associate Professor,
Makarenko Dmitro,
Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University

Keywords: manure, composting, organic fertilizers, bio-fermentation, bio-thermal treatmen


The organic raw materials utilizationat problems solution at the enterprises of agroindustrial complex, production of high quality fertilizers, contributing to increase of soil fertility and increase of crop yields, favorable ecological conditions creation in the area of functioning of livestock farms and complexes, is one of the important directions of State program of agriculturaldevelopment.
Organic raw materials for the production of fertilizers in case of non-compliance with storage requirements, processing and use, become a source of environmental pollution by harmful organic and inorganic compounds, pathogenic microflora, viable helminth eggs. In general overal the country, there is an urgent needfor organic fertilizers, in practice, organic fertilizers are using at 10 – 11 times less.
It was found that even in the best years, only 35 % of manure was used annually as organic fertilizers. For this reason, significant amounts of manure are accumulated and stored annually for several years, losing useful properties and polluting the environment.
Existing organic fertilizer systems also affect nutrient conservation. Widely used methods of spreading fertilizers, as a rule, do not involve their simultaneous wrapping in the soil, which leads to the loss of ammonia nitrogen in the atmosphere, and their application on rough terrain leads to washing away into water bodies.
The analysis of existing technologies and equipment clearly indicates the need for a radical increase in the efficiency of utilization of all manure resources and manure. By turning into high quality organic fertilizers, they become not only a nutrient, but also a biologically active component of the soil, stimulating the activity of soil microflora.


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