DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2024-132-207-218

PhD student,
Mykola KUSHCH,
State Biotechnological University, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Keywords: budgerigar, gizzard, histological structure, age-related features, morphometric indicators

The features of the histological structure and morphometric indicators of the microstructures of the gizzard (ventriculus gastris s. pars muscularis) of budgerigars of 9 age groups were determined: 1-, 3-, 7-, 14-, 21-day-old, 1-, 2-, 6-month-old and 1-year-old. It was confirmed that the wall of the gizzard consists of four membranes: mucous, submucosa, muscular and serous. The mucous membrane is formed by two layers: the lamina propria and the epithelial layer, the surface of which is covered with cuticle. The lamina propria, formed by loose fibrous connective tissue, contains densely located simple tubular weakly branched glands throughout its depth that produce keratin. The lamina propria is composed of a deep layer containing secretory departments of glands with an expanded base and a superficial layer containing villi that function as excretory ducts, along which liquid secretion moves from the depths of the secretory departments to the surface of the mucous membrane and which has the form of columns that are oxyphilically stained. The epithelial layer of the mucous membrane is represented by a single-layered single-row prismatic epithelium, the cells of which have a weakly oxyphilic cytoplasm and a basally located oval-shaped nucleus. The muscularis mucosae is not found in the composition of the mucous membrane. The submucosa formed by densely arranged bundles of mainly collagen fibers, connects the mucous and muscular membranes. The muscular membrane consists of a single layer, which is built of contractile elements of unstriated muscle tissue and thin fibers of connective tissue. Age-related features of morphometric indicators of microstructures of the budgerigar gizzard were an increase in the thickness of the cuticle, mucous and muscular membranes with age and a decrease in the depth of the glandular portions of the tubular glands. The greatest thickness of the cuticle was in parrots 6 months to 1 year old, and the greatest depth of the glands that produce it was in chicks 1-21 days old.


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