DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2019-122-50-59
Keywords: milking robots, milk, dairy, cows, economic efficiency
Introduction of automated milking systems is a capital intensive project for agricultural enterprises. It influences their fixed assets turnover. High costs of milking robots and their service are great obstacles to their widespread adoption in Ukraine. We looked for a way to reduce the expenses of milking equipment by achieving a rapid payback.
Our survey was performed in 2012-2018 in “Olshanske” private agricultural enterprise which adopted two GEA Monobox automated milking systems in 2018. One such system can voluntarily milk up to 60 cows a day in the fully automatic mode. This new generation multifunctional manipulator has been used in Ukraine for the first time.
Given that both reconstruction of the dairy complex and purchase of milking robots require considerable investment, it is rather hard for agricultural enterprises to reach both of these aims at the same time. So it seems reasonable to start from reconstructing an old dairy complex or building a new one; that aids in reaching high milk yield and dairy production profitability and makes an introduction of dairy robots an easier second step. Commercial dairy complex in “Olshanske” PAE gives a good example of such an approach.
Given the annual dairy production of 4 000 kg per cow and a 20 % production profitability the payback of a milking robot would reach 17 years, thus greatly delaying economic development of the agricultural enterprise. The payback might be shortened, however, if an adoption of automated systems is preceded by business restructuring and management optimization.
It was shown, that milking robots would be efficient in an enterprise reaching annual dairy production of 10 000 kg and 34 % (or higher) production profitability. Under these conditions the payback of a milking robot worth UAH 7,5 millions would constitute just 3 years and 10 months.
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