DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2022-127-138-144
Keywords: rabbits, intensive rhythm, intensification of rearing technology, sodium butyrate, feed conversion, fattening young
To intensify the technology of growing rabbits of the Hy-Plus hybrid, the indicators of daily live weight gains, and absolute and relative values of feed intake were studied, and the feed conversion of fattening young rabbits was calculated for the introduction of sodium butyrate in a protected form in the amount of 2 g/kg. An intensive (42-day) rabbit rearing rhythm was used. Weaning of rabbits was carried out at the age of 36 days, the average weight of weaned rabbits was 0.922±0.04 kg. The studies continued from the 47th to the 60th day of life. The following were taken into account: the number of rabbits at the end of the experiment, the average weight for each group at the end of the experiment, feed consumption, and the conversion was calculated. Statistical data processing was carried out using the accepted methods of variation statistics. According to the principle of groups-analogues, 100 normally developed rabbits at the age of 47 days were selected, which were placed five individuals without separation from sex in cages of 0.342 m2 on a mesh floor of 1.6×12×50 mm. The rabbits were constantly supplied with water (one nipple drinker for five individuals, pH of the water was 7.4-7.6) and complete mixed feed (plate-type bunker feeder). The average weight at the beginning of the experiment in each group was 1.419±0.006 kg (control) and 1.423±0.005 kg (experiment). The difference between the formed groups at the beginning of the experiment in terms of weight was incredible F (1.198=0.29; p=0.592). When calculating daily gains and feed costs, real data on the number of animals at the end of the experiment was used. It was found that the average daily gain in the experimental group was 16.32 % higher than in the control group and during the study period was 57 g/day. In the experimental group, compared to the control group, feed intake increased by 6.5 % and feed conversion improved by 7.59 % (3.12 in the control group and 2.90 in the experimental group). The use of protected sodium butyrate in a complete feed improves feed conversion rates and allows you to quickly reach the optimal condition of young rabbits.
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