INFLUENCE OF SCIENTISTS-HIPOLOGISTS OF THE INSTITUTE OF LIVESTOCK OF NAAS ON THE HORSE BREEDING OF UKRAINE: A REVIEW (to the 95th anniversary of the Livestock farming institute of NAAS and the 90th anniversary of the Department of horse breeding)

DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2024-132-155-170

Senior Researcher,,
Senior Researcher,,
Livestock farming institute of NAAS of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Keywords: Livestock farming institute of the NAAS, horse breeding, scientists-hypologists, scientific support, breeds, lines, types

The article is devoted to the review of the formation and activities of the scientific structural unit on horse breeding of the Livestock farming institute of the NAAS, as a scientific center on horse breeding, which carries out scientific support of the industry, starting from 1944 and until now. In particular, the scientific influence of the employees of the scientific unit on horse breeding in Ukraine is analyzed. The personalities of scientists who worked in the department (laboratory) of horse breeding of the institute at different periods, their personal contribution to the horse breeding industry are considered.

The achievements of the scientists-hipologists of the institute in breeding and technological research, the creation of new breeds, types, lines of horses, the improvement of the horse feeding system, elements of horse training, the study of the features of local horse populations in different regions of Ukraine are highlighted.

The directions of scientific work, the created breeds, types and lines of horses, breeding, technological developments, research on genetics, feeding, biotechnology, economics in horse breeding are considered.

In the article, the authors partially used archival research by Victoria Vyacheslavivna Kunets, in particular, information from her historical and bibliographic publication “Scientific achievements of scientists in the development of domestic horse breeding and horse breeding”, for which they express their sincere gratitude to her.


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