DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2021-125-179-185
Keywords: cow watering, flute drinkers, additional watering, milk productivity of cows, rumination, consumption of dry matter of the diet, bacterial seed content of milk
The results of studies on changing the technology of drinking for dairy cows by installing an additional trough-type drinker on the route of cows from the milking parlor to the main housing are presented. For this, a scientific and economic experiment was carried out according to the method of groups of periods on 65 cows of the second third of lactation.
It was found that for 2–3 days after the installation for additional watering, the cows began to linger near the additional watering devices and quickly consumed running water during the first 0.5 minutes. As a result, the concentration of cows near the drinking bowls in the main cow house was visually reduced.
Changes in cows’ drinking patterns led to an increase in dry matter consumption of the diet by 5.3 % and a gradual increase in the frequency of cicatricial contractions. The change in drinking water provided an increase in the average daily milk yield in cows by 1.03 kg or 4.79 %. In addition, there has been a tendency towards an increase in the percentage of protein and dry matter in milk. Improvement of water supply to the body of cows due to changes in drinking technology contributed to an increase in the microbiological purity of milk, which was reflected in a decrease in bacterial seed production from 305.3 to 297.9 thousand / cm3.
The return of cow watering technology to the standard principle led to the return of productivity indicators to their original level. Therefore, it can be argued about the advisability of using the selected technological method of additional drinking.
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