DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2019-121-52-60
Keywords: heifer, live weight, average daily gain, colostric-preventive period
The article highlights the results of research of technological solutions improvement for the heifers of the Ukrainian black-and-white dairy breed growinh at the colostric-preventive period at the Experimental Farm “Gontarovka” of the Institute of Animal Science of the Volchansky district of the Kharkiv region.
During the study and substantiation of the parameters of the main technological solutions of heifer’s growinh at the colostric-preventive period, two groups of heifers with 5 heads each were formed. The first group was kept in the cages (experimental group), the second – group sections. It was conducted five scientific-practical experiment of 10 days each.
The area of the cage – is 1 m2. The period of keeping calves the colostric-preventive period is 10 days. In the 1m x 1m cage are clamps were installed to hold the bottle with a teat with colostrum and milk.
The absolute live weight increase of the experimental group, in the first series of experiments, exceeded the control group by 2.0 kg or 33.3% (p≤0.001). A similar trend is observed in the next four series of experiments. So the heifers of the experimental group in the second series of experiments exceeded the control by 3.0 kg (50%), the third – by 3.4 kg (50%), the fourth – by 6.2 kg (1.4 times) and in the fifth by 5,8 kg (1.9 times), respectively, with a high level of confidence (p≤0.001). Thus, the heifers of all experimental groups had a greater absolute live weight increase than the heifers in the control groups.
A similar pattern was observed for the growth rate of heifers. Thus, the average daily gains of body weight in the experimental heifers, which were kept in cages on deep straw bedding, were: the first series 800 ± 50 g, the second – 900 ± 30 g, the third – 1020 g, the fourth – 1120 g, the fifth – 1220 g, whereas in the control group, respectively: 600 ± 55 g, 600 ± 35 g, 680 ± 35 g, 560 ± 35 and 640 ± 35 g (p≤0.001 in all cases) in favor of the animals of the experimental group.
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