DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2020-123-156-166
Keywords: technological features, design features, technological line, groups, microclimate, impact, indicators
It is known that pig farming is a traditional agricultural industry in Ukraine, which has a great potential. The main technological process at pig farms is the process of preparing and distributing animal feed. The success of the entire production depends on the perfection of these processes. Zoo-hygienic parameters of livestock buildings (speed, temperature and relative humidity, the level of harmful gases – ammonia and carbon dioxide, illumination) are important for ensuring the health and development of pig productivity. The influence of technological and design features of the preparation and distribution of feed in groups on the basic parameters of the microclimate in group stalls for pigs that will improve animal welfare. As these features, a technological line was developed, which made it possible to supply feed simultaneously to all three machines of the experimental group, in one working stroke. Wet feed into the buckets of the feed line was loaded based on its delivery in one pass of the distributor. Studies showed that 30 days after the start of the production test, the average air temperature in the pigsty was +24,13 °C and was the same for piglets of all experimental groups. The relative humidity in the machine where the control group № 1 was located was 1,3 % higher for the humidity in the machine tool of animals in the control group № 2 and 4,0 % higher than in the experimental group (these groups consumed wet food). 60 days after the start of the test, the air temperature was +22,07 °C for all experimental groups of animals. The relative humidity in the machine where the control group № 1 was (consumed dry food) was 4,0 % and 1,5 % higher than the same indicators in the animals of the experimental and control group № 2 (fed with wet food). The concentration of ammonia, carbon dioxide and air velocity in the machines for all experimental groups of animals was approximately the same and did not go beyond the permissible zoohygienic standards. The use of technology to ensure piglets receiving food and water from the developed facilities for the preparation and distribution of wet feed different consistency, compared with the control group № 1 and № 2, led to a decrease in the relative humidity in group stalls experimental group 4,0 % and 2,5 %, respectively.
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