Historical prerequisites and technological approaches cryocorpreseration of agricultural sperm

DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2022-127-23-31

Sushko A.,
Savelieva M.,
Martinyk I.,
Yeletska L.,
The Institute of Animal Science NAAS, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Keywords: semen, animals, bulls, stallions, cryoprotectants, freezing, thawing, artificial insemination


An overview of domestic and foreign literature sources, as well as data from published own research on cryopreservation of animal sperm. The main historical stages of the creation of methods and technologies for deep freezing of sperm are given. The effectiveness of germ cell freezing depending on the applied endocellular and exocellular cryoprotectants is shown. Own experimental data on the effect of combinations of glycerol with substances of the amide group in cryophylactic media on the state of plasma membranes of sperm after deconservation are presented. Based on the literature data and published results of our experiments, the influence of cooling regimes of animal sperm on its physiological parameters after freezing thawing is shown. Data on the influence of protocols on deconservation of sperm of germs on the state of germ cells are given.
As a result of long-term work of scientists, fundamental knowledge has been gained, created cryobiotechnologies that allow storing animal sperm in vitro in a deep-frozen state for almost an unlimited period.


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