DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2024-132-194-206

Livestock farming institute of NAAS of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Keywords: horses, lines, Hutsul breed, alleles, frequency, genotypes, genetic indicators

The article presents the results of an extended study and analysis of the immunogenetic profile of lines of populations of horses of the Hutsul breed in Ukraine.

Considerable work is being carried out to preserve, improve and reproduce small breeds of horses, one of which is the Hutsul breed.

The distribution of genetic variability, genetic structure between lines of the Hutsul breed of horses and the transmission of alleles to descendants from the ancestors were studied using certification by polymorphic blood groups.

A comparison of gene frequencies according to the spectrum of alleles of the main D-system of blood groups of the lines of the Hutsul horse breed of domestic selection was carried out. It was established that in the Goral line (stag-breeding stallion 85 Pedro) the highest frequency of the Ddk allele (q=0.667). High frequency of the Ddk allele in the Grobi line from the heir of the breeding stallion Grobi XV-10 SK/Aster (q=0.500), and throughout this line (q=0.431). In the Gurgul line the highest frequency of the Dcgm allele (q=0.357). High frequency of the Dcgm allele in the lines of Ousora (Poland) (stag-breeding stallion 52 Warnik 255) and Gurgul (stag-breeding stallion 81 Orlyk 024) (q=0.400-0.529), respectively. The Ousor line from the heir of the stud stallion 82 Ousor Vulkan is characterized by a high frequency of the Ddg allele (q=0.500) and throughout this line (q=0.435).

The highest genetic indicators were obtained in the Gurgul line, the level of polymorphism (Ne – 3.960), the lowest in the Goral line (Ne – 2.051). The Goral line (stable stallion 85 Pedro) has the highest expected homozygosity coefficient (Ca – 0.488), the lowest in the Gurgul line (Ca – 0.253).

The differences identified in the spectrum of active alleles of polymorphic blood group systems indicate that each studied genealogical line of horses has a certain “genetic passport”, which creates a practical information base for keeping lines and the breed as a whole in Ukraine under genetic control.


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