Genealogical lines in the orlov’s trotting breed of the ukrainian part of the pop-ulation

DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2020-123-184-193

Iryna Tkachova,
Doctor of Agrarian Sciences, Senior Researcher,,
Institute of Animal Science NAAS of Ukraine,
Frolova A.,
State enterprise «Agency of animal identification and registration»

Keywords: horses, Orlov’s trotter breed, genealogical structure, reproductive composition, selection, population


The article presents the results of the genealogical analysis of Ukrainian population of horses Orlov’s trotter breed. The total number of the breed at the time of the survey was 653 horses, including 267 mares. The largest number of horses is in Zaporozhsky stud № 86 (29.6 % mares).
Analysis of the genealogical structure of the breed’s reproductive composition showed the advantage of stallions of three lines: Barchuk (branch of the Zapad) (28.1 %), Pilot (18.8 %), and Voin (15.6 %). The mother composition mainly refers to the lines of Barchuk (branch of the Zapad) (30.7 %), Pion (22.1 %), Pilot (15.7 %).
The breeding stock of the Dubrovsky stud is represented mainly by mares of the Pion line (41.2 %), the Zaporozhsky stud – Barchuk line (a branch of the Zapad) (29.1 %), Ispolnitielnyi (22.8 %), and Pion (20.3 %). In Limarevsky stud, the majority of mares belong to the lines of Barchuk (branch of the Zapapad) (35.5 %), Pilot, Pion (25.8% each). Lozovsky stud is equipped with mares mainly of the Barchuk line (branch of the Zapad) (38.2 %), Pilot (23.5 %) and Vietier (20.6 %). The largest breeding reproducer of the «Kamyshanskoe» is equipped mainly with mares of the Barchuk line (branch of the Zapad) (51.2 %), Pion (22.0 %) and Pilot (17.1 %).
Analysis of the genealogical lines of the Ukrainian part of the population of the Orlov’s trotting breed showed that the most numerous is the Barchuk line with a more developed branch of the Zapad, which includes 28.1 % of stallions and 30.7 % of mares. The breeding core of the line is concentrated in four studs for breeding Orlov’s trotting breed (basic farms), as well as in breeding reproducers and horse owners-individuals. The genealogical offshoot of the Zapad is represented by descendants of 9537 Benzol and 10173 Pozyv, in particular 9 stallions and 78 mares of reproductive age. The presence of repair young in genealogical lines suggests their further development. Most of the genealogical lines, except for the lines of Barchuk, Pilot and Voin, are under threat of extinction, as they are represented by three or less stallions and, without the allocation or acquisition of new producers, will lead to a narrowing of the genealogical structure of the breed, which will negatively affect the population as a whole.


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