Fertility and multi-fertilization of sows depending on the multiplicity of insemi-nation in different seasons

DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2019-121-156-162

Martynyuk Irina,
ORCID ID 0000-0002-3675-124X,
Tserenyuk Aleksandr,
Doctor of Science, assistant professor,
ORCID ID 0000-0003-4797-9685,
Akimov Aleksandr,
ORCID ID 0000-0002-1938-0459,
Institute of Animal Science NAAS of Ukraine

Keywords: pigs, fertility, multi-fertilization, multiplicity of insemination, seasons of the year


  The article hightlights the study of sows multiplicity of insemination effect at different seasons of the year to the indices of its fertility and multi-fertilization. During double insemination in spring, it was found that in the control group of sows from 30 animals the 24 heads or 80 % were fertilized, whereas in the experimental group (3-time insemination) with the same number of animals the 27 sows were fertilized, which is 90 %. According to the results of the farrowings, the fertility of the sows was higher in the experimental group – 12.5 %, and the fertility rates – 7.9 % were significantly higher (P>0.95) compared with the control animals, which were 2-time inseminated.
In the summer, it was found that in the control group of 30 sows (which were inseminated twice), 23 heads or 76.6 % were fertilized, whereas in the experimental group (3-time insemination) with the same number of animals, 25 sows were fertilized, which is 83.3 %. According to the results of experiments, sows fertility was higher in the experimental group – 8.6 %, and the fertility rates – 6.8 % (P>0.95) compared with the control group (2-time insemination).
Comparing the reproductive ability of sows of the control groups in spring and summer, it was found that the difference between the numbers of fertilized sows was insignificant and was 4.2 %, and the fertility rates were 2.8 % better in favor of sows which were inseminated in the spring.
At 3-time insemination, fertility rates in sows of the experimental group prevailed by 7.5 % over those of animals that were inseminated during the summer season. The difference between the multiplicity of research groups of sows shows an advantage of 3.7 % for spring inseminated sows. According to research data, it has been established that the use of 3-time insemination of sows both in spring and summer season of the year allows increasing the indices of reproductive ability by 3.4 % compared with 2-time insemination.


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