DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2020-123-104-117
Keywords: product examination, valuation, market value, court legal expertise, domestic animals, animal classification, output data
This article describes the value of an animal estimation. The animal is an object of civil law relations. The objects of civil law relations are usually things (objects of the material world in their natural state or objects created by human activity). The justification for assigning live animals to the category «object of civil rights» is related to the fact that they are objects of evaluation in material form – movable property, consumer goods. Therefore, the assessment turns the animal into a special object of civil rights, which is subject to the legal regime of the thing. Animal objects in Ukraine may be in state, communal and private ownership, under the protection of the state, regardless of their ownership rights. (Law of Ukraine «About the Animal World»). The valuation of the animal is carried out by authorized persons – forensic experts, forensic institutions and certified experts. The assessment is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the Code of Criminal Procedure, the Code of Civil Procedure and the Code of Economic Procedure of Ukraine; Code of Administrative Offences; Code of Administrative Procedure of Ukraine; Customs Code of Ukraine; Laws of Ukraine «On Court Legal Expertise», «On Execution Production» and other legal acts on forensic activities, in particular, «Instructions on the Appointment and Conduct of Forensics and Expert Studies».
The problem is that such a study requires a complete list of the original data on the subject, a set of indicators, morphological, physiological (external, internal) and economic features and properties forming and characterizing the animal, as one. Each indicator and feature affects their cost.
In this overview study, we will focus on the factors that play an integral role in the product examination of domestic animals. Consider in detail the main concepts that need to be analysed and study the impact of these indicators when conducting a study using methodological approaches in accordance with National Standard 1.
In day-to-day life, when holding a pet, one does not pay attention to the little things that are crucial to the evaluation, and sometimes the lack of information of the object of the study makes it impossible to resolve the issue with the forensic expert. So, we have been able to identify a number of indicators to be addressed.
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