DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2019-121-198-206
Keywords: cows, Znamensky type of Polissya breed, line, quality meat, anatomical parts of the body, meat, broth
Meat in human diet is the main source of biologically complete protein. Protein supply has always been a topical issue of the agro-industrial complex, which has become more acute at present, as the overall scientifically justified norm of its consumption per capita in Ukraine is rapidly decreasing every year and amounts to 54.6 kg against 80 kg. Therefore, increasing the production and improving the quality of meat products, in particular beef, including beef obtained from beef cattle, is an important national economic task. Successful solution of this problem is possible with the introduction of scientifically based system of tribal work, the main element of which is breeding along the lines.
Znamensky type Poliska breed was created in 2009. The breed is represented by lines of Radyst 113, Mazun 6 and Darovanyy 400, moreover, there are other lines in the farms of the Ukraine, which are not included in the final composition of the breed.
In the framework of the research 4 groups of full-age cows of the Znamensky type were formed with 10 cows in each: I – control (animals that were not included in the experimental groups); II experimental – lines of Mazun 6; III experimental – lines of Radyst 113; IV experimental – lines of Darovanyy 400. Three cows were taken from each group for slaughter. The experimental animals of all groups were kept in the conditions of classical technology of beef cattle breeding. It was found out that by the mass of the lumbar and hips, which are the most valuable, the cows lines of Radyst 113 had a significant advantage. The highest relative and absolute masses of the cervical part of the carcass were observed in cows of lines Mazun 6 and Darovanyy 400. Whereas cows of III group significantly surpassed control analogues and representatives of II group by weight of the chilled carcasses. Cows the descendants of Darovanyy 400 were in an intermediate position. A similar dependence was noted for the quantity of meat of the first grade. The tasting analysis shows that the meat and broth of all the experimental animals were of good quality and got high marks.
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