DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2020-124-224-232
Keywords: duck eggs, watering, incubation, disinfectants, egg hatchability
The purpose of this work was to conduct a comparative evaluation of existing disinfectants for their use in the second half of incubation for irrigation of waterfowl eggs. Methods. The study was conducted at the State Poultry Research Station of NAAS on hatching eggs of ducks and incubation wastes. Pre-incubation disinfection of eggs was carried out by irrigation with 5.0% solution of “Lasept-forte”. Eggs were incubated according to standard regimes in modernized laboratory incubators ILU-F-0.3 and ILB-0.5. According to the requirements of the current standard for the technological process of incubation of duck eggs from the 13th day of incubation air cooling of eggs twice a day (morning and evening) for 10-15 minutes was carried out, and from the 20th day – a wet one. Modern disinfectants in various concentrations were used to irrigate duck eggs during incubation. Irrigation of duck eggs of the control group was performed with clean water. According to the results of research, the efficiency of irrigation of eggs with «Lasept-forte» and «Brovadez Plus» has been proved, and their optimal concentrations have been selected. It was found that the use of 0.5 % “Lasept-forte” or 0.05 % “Brovadez plus” for irrigation of duck eggs from the 20th day of incubation is desirable because it increases the results of incubation by 1.5- 2.5% due to the improvement of the sanitary condition in the incubator and the reduction of embryo death in the later stages of development. The pathological autopsy of incubation wastes showed that the category of waste “dead” (embryos that died after 25 days of incubation) was in the control group at 7.0%, in the experimental 6.0-6.5 %. At the same time, at the autopsy of the “dead” from these groups, there were signs of death from damage to eggs by microflora and fungi. In the control group, 64.3 % of deaths had such symptoms, in the first experimental group – 53.8 %, in the second experimental group – 33.3 %, which also proves the effectiveness of the means used.
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