Efficiency of the innovative approach to the organization of milk cow feeding technology

DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2022-127-90-100

Zolotarov A.,
PhD, Researcher,
Sediuk I.,
Piskun V.,
Doctor of Agricultural Sci., senior scientist,
Trishin O. K.,
Doctor of Agricultural Sci., Professor, Academician of NAAS,
Institute of Animal Science NAAS of Ukraine,
Zolotarova S.,
PhD, docent,
State Biotechnology University

Keywords: feeding technology, dairy cows, protected protein, milk productivity, multi-criteria analysis


The article presents the results of a study comparing the use of an innovative approach to the organization of dairy cow feeding technology in comparison with the traditional one.
The growth of the world’s population presents livestock producers and scientists with the problem of increasing productivity while reducing feed protein costs. The use of innovative developments of scientists in the practical field allows solving these issues. The implementation of domestic developments in production will contribute to the increase of milk production with a simultaneous decrease in its cost price, which will increase the competitiveness of livestock products produced in Ukraine on the world market.
The research was conducted in the southern region of Ukraine in the conditions of the State Enterprise of the Askaniyske Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academy of Sciences on 2 groups of lactating cows in the first third of lactation, 50 cows in each, under untied conditions. The use of an innovative approach to the organization of feeding technology for highly productive dairy cows made it possible to increase the content of undegradable protein in the rumen from 24.3% to 33.4% in the diet. This made it possible not only to increase the milk productivity of cows, but also to improve the quality indicators of milk. It was established that with the use of the TEP-mix additive in the diet of the cows of the experimental group, the daily yield of milk from a cow increased by an average of 0.9 kg (from 27.8 kg to 28.7 kg), and in terms of basic fat content, by 2.6 kg (from 29.6 kg to 32.1 kg). According to the results of the chemical analysis of milk, it was found that the average content of the mass fraction of fat and protein in milk was also higher in the animals of the experimental group compared to the control by 0.20% (3.62% vs. 3.82%) and 0.23%, respectively (3.15% versus 3.38%). According to the results of the comparative multi-criteria analysis, it was noted that the productivity of dairy cows using the proposed method of organizing their feeding technology provides a significant advantage over the experimental version. It was established that for the experimental group the objective function according to the considered criteria is smaller and is 0.0112, while the objective function of the base variant was 6.43 times worse.


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