DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2019-121-111-120
Keywords: cows, sunflower cake, dried corn distillers grains, milk yield, economic efficiency
One of the key problems at cattle breeding is the maximum milk yield getting with the least spending of feeds per unit of production. For milk price increasing to need the by-products of industrial processing using in feeding. One of the by-products of industrial processing is dry distillery bard, which is used as a waste from the alcohol industry and is used in fresh liquid form for feeding cattle. With a deficit and high cost of the main feeds the cows feeding with these mixtures allow quickly, reliably and without additional spending increase their productivity and improve the produced milk quality. These terms became the basis of conducted researche by the efficiency of feeding lactating Ukrainian red-motley dairy breed cows by dried corn distiller’s grains study.
The purpose of our research was to study the chemical composition, nutritional value, safety, productive action and economic efficiency of its use. The implementation planned purpose envisaged the use of a complex of zootechnical, laboratory and biometric methods of researches. The dried corn distillers grains inclusion in the grain mixtures of rations of lactating cows instead of sunflower cake in the amount of 1,03 kg per head per day, which is 30 % of the total mass of the grain mixture, to support to growth of average daily milk yield with 4 % fat in lactating cows by 7,5 %, to lowering the spending of feeds from 11,79 MJ of exchange energy in the control group to 11,25 MJ in the experimental group, or by 4,58 % and ensured an increase in the economic efficiency production of milk due to increase milk productivity of cows and lowering cost of feeds.
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