DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2022-128-198-207
Keywords: Novoaleksandrivsky draft horse, milk productivity, mare’s families, male lines, body measurements, reproduction
The article analyzes the genealogical structure of the Novolexandrov draft breed of the Dibrivsky stud farm No. 62. As of today, 49 representatives of this breed, including 3 breeding stallions, 28 mares of the main herd and foals are kept at the branch “Dibrivsky stud farm No. 62” of SE “Ukraine horse breeding”. The stallions belong to three male lines which are Koketlyvyi, Tantal and Hradus.
There are two mare’s families that are 166 Repetytsiyi (n=9), Roznaryadky (n=3) and three groupsnamely 239 Tetivy (n=8), 176 Rudy (n=1), Faktury (n=2). These mare’s families and groups were formed precisely at the Dibrivsky stud farm. Four more groups have been formed that are Firma (n=5), Ryabinka (n=3), Zherukha (n=3) i Ryabushka line (n=2).
The largest number of mares families belongs to the Tantal male line (23 heads), Koketlyvyi (7 heads), Hradus (5 heads) and to the Kapiten line, which went completely into the mare’s families, (1 mare).
The variability of the measurements of the main stock of horses and the milk productivity of mares from 2015 to 2021 were studied. The body measurements of mares have increased significantly in recent years, which leads to the consolidation of representatives of the breed and contradicts the requirements for the measurements of the Novolexandrov draft breed. Twenty-three mares exceed the maximum threshold of the “withers height” indicator, which is 76.7% of the brood stock.
At the Dibrivsky stud farm a seasonal milking of mares lasts from May 1 to October 1 (5 months or 150 days). The milk productivity of mares decreased by 275.6-454.6 liters from 2015 to 2021, the coefficient of variation increased from 18.33 to 38.90 with a decrease in the number of lactating mares.
The question of the correlation between live weight and milk productivity is very relevant, especially during forming a dairy herd from mares of draft breeds which are characterized by high milkability. Many authors have studied the influence of live weight on dairy productivity, as one of the indicators of animal development. Formulas for calculating live weight are based on measurements such as withers height and chest girth. Accordingly, if the measurements increase, the live weight of the animal increases.
The indicators of reproduction of mares of the main composition for 11 years were determined. The average fertility of mares for 11 years is 70.2%. The average yield of foals per 100 mares is 63.9% with 95.6% successful foaling. This foal crop can be justified by the dependence on the % of fertilized mares (r = 0.67; p<0.01). This correlation was accurately observed in 2018-2019, with a fertilization rate of 54.5 and 55.2, the foal crop was 54.5 and 53.3 accordingly with 100% successful foaling.
Losses of foals due to abortions, weak and stillborns have amounted to an average of 3.3%for 11 years, which does not exceed technological requirements (5%).
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