DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2023-130-157-166

Maslov V. I.,
Head of the Animal Husbandry Department,
Lymar V. O.,
Chief technologist,
Agroprime Holding LLC,
Ivanov V. O.,
Dr of Agricultural Sciences, Professor,
Onishchenko A. O.,
PhD of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Researcher,
Institute of Pig Breeding and Agroindustrial Production
of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine

Keywords: piggery, manure removal, utilization, ecology, harmful gases, biodestructors

The development of biotechnological methods of disposal of pig waste products is relevant at the current stage. However, the high cost of investment and operation of such technologies limits their application. Therefore, owners of pig farms are constantly looking for compromise solutions that would, on the one hand, ensure compliance with technological requirements for manure removal, and on the other hand, not pollute the environment.

The purpose of the work is to improve existing technologies and develop innovative approaches to biotechnological methods of manure disposal.

Scientific research was carried out at the piggery of Agroprime Holding LLC of the Odesa region with a capacity of 30,000 heads per year. The considered technology of using biological preparations De-Scentase and Complesin for descentization of manure in underground baths, manure storages, manure sites of the complex. The content of gases in the manure subfloor bath of the piggery due to the use of biological preparations was determined. The conducted monitoring of unpleasant scents and harmful gases confirmed the expediency of using new methods of neutralizing unpleasant scents. It was established that the reconstruction of the separator station by installing a metal hangar and a water-dispersion filtration chamber ensured the neutralization and release of scentous gases into the environment and did not affect the ecological state of the environment negatively.

On the basis of the conducted research, the method of wide application of the biological preparation for the disposal of manure has been developed.

The improved technology of manure disposal at the piggery, which involves the addition of the microbial destructor drug Complesin to underground baths, as well as to manure storages and manure sites, helps to reduce the release of harmful gases and accelerates the disposal of manure.

The technology of utilization of liquid and solid fraction of manure by using biological preparation and vermiculture is highlighted. The experience of using equipment for underground application of liquid manure to fields is presented.


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