DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2020-123-89-96
Keywords: development, body measurement, live-weight, exterior, Simmental combined breed, heifers
The results of the replacement heifers of the Simmental breed, related to milk and meat producing bred types, in the post-natal ontogeny are represented. Practically no difference in the live birth weight indexes between the heifer-daughters of the bull Imago 9371649727 (Redad’s line) was found out. Similar result was observed between the heifer-daughters of the bull Vickht 932375771 (Horrora’s line). The live weight was high enough which is typical for the Simmental Combined Breed.
Heifers of the both lines exceeded the breed Standart in their live-weight. However, the trend of higher live-weight was demonstrated by the heifers in the Redad¢s line during the research period. The most expressed difference of the live-weight between the heifers of the both lines was demonstrated by the heifers from the Redad’s line at the age of 18 months. Their live-weight was 410,3 kg or more. It was 23,6 kg (6,1 %, p≤0,01) heavier in comparison with the heifers in Horrora’s line and exceed the breed standards by 30,3 kg (7,9 %).
It was figured out that the average daily weight gain was higher in the heifers from the Redad¢s line. At the age of 13-18 months and 0-18 months the heifers in the Redad’s line exceed heifers in the Horrora’s line by 15,8 % (p≤0,001, p≤0,01) and 6,8 % accordingly.
The heifers of the both lines have strong structure, well-developed skeleton and muscles. They are compact, proportionally developed animals with wide chest and strong limbs. But the heifers of the Redad’s had bigger torso diameter and at the age of 18 months were characterized by the greater high at withers, by the oblique body line (p≤0,01, p≤0,05), and also by the bigger chest girth between the shoueder blades (p≤0,01). There were no other differences in torso measurement between the heifers from the both lines. The leggy index naturally decreases with age. Slight increase in the mass index and in exterior is observed in heifers from the Horrora’s line at the age of 18 months.
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