DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2024-131-215-237
Keywords: trade, market, agricultural products, progressive technologies, digitalization, turnover, marketing
The article considers the study of the theoretical foundations, implementation and prospects of innovative technologies in the market of agricultural products in Ukraine. The intensity of the development of digital trade in terms of volume and scale due to the introduction of artificial intelligence, which has the potential for the digital transformation of trade by significantly reducing geographical barriers, has been established. It is certain that a significant impetus to the development of innovations in trade in Ukraine, as well as in other countries of the world, was given by crisis events, namely, the pandemic, then military actions. In crisis conditions, digital technologies in trade have a significant advantage over traditional ones, because they allow the consumer to order goods without putting their life at risk.
We studied the sector of domestic trade in agricultural products for the use of advanced technologies. The purpose of the work was to highlight the trends in the development of advanced technologies in the trade of agricultural products in Ukraine, to determine the influence of factors that shape the market and consumer trends on the innovative development of trading platforms, innovative challenges in the field of trade in agricultural products. Innovations in the trade of economically developed countries of the world and Ukraine are considered, in particular, the most developed and promising ones are highlighted.
The main aspects of the state and trends of trade development in Ukraine are characterized. The analysis of statistical information and research has established the dominance of large business enterprises, although the trend of positive innovative movement of medium-sized businesses can be traced. It has been determined that in recent years, import operations significantly outweigh export operations, this is especially noticeable from the analysis of the results of 2022. The comparative analysis of indicators of the activity of trading enterprises in Ukraine for 2020-2023 using the example of the index of the physical turnover of retail trade proved its fluctuations depending on the crisis phenomena in the country. In particular, the export of goods decreased by 26.1%, and the import increased by 11.2%, which resulted in a negative balance. The largest share of trade during the studied periods was with EU countries, in 2023 it increased to 56%, while the share of exports decreased by 10%. Since the beginning of active hostilities, the country’s economic activity shows signs of stabilization, but this trend will depend on foreign economic relations with partner countries.
It has been proven that the leading trend in the development of progressive technologies in the trade of agricultural products in Ukraine is the increase in the confidence of buyers in purchasing via the Internet. Furthermore, a critical element of digital commerce is an effective cybersecurity management plan that balances technology, geopolitical relations, government capacity; supports market reputation, and public-private cooperation.
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