Condition and ways of enhancement of the horse breeding system for the work-user direction of the kherson region

DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2019-122-198-208

Sobol Olga,
Ph.D., Associate Professor,,
Kherson State Agrarian University

Keywords: horses, working-use horse breeding, measurements, body indices, intensity of use, horse-days, correlation


The article presents the results of a study of the condition and ways of enhancement the horse breeding system in the working -use direction of the Kherson region. For evaluation the number of horses’ dynamics in the region, changes in the number of animals of other branches were studied. The onlybranch that showed a positive trend is poultry – the livestock increased by 63.9%. The horse breeding branch suffered the greatest losses (94.0%). In addition to horse breeding, adverse conditions were noted for the development of sheep husbandryand goat husbandry, where the livestock reduction was 92.9%. Slightly smaller losses, 84.4 and 78.0%, respectively, were noted for the cattle breeding and pig breeding branches.
As of 1.01. 2018, the number of horses in the region was 0.8 thousand heads or 6.03% of the required. The problem of horse breeding in the region is the lack of pedigree resources: only 4.38% of the available stock had documented data on the origin, the most represented breeds were Shetland pony (34.3%), horses of Western European sport breeds (25.7) and Ukrainian ride horse (20.0%), stallions of trotter and heavy breed breeds for improving horses of local breeding were not identified.
In the absence of use of sires of breeds – improvers, the studied population was small, the average measurements of mares were 149.3 – 150.8 – 170.2 – 18.1 cm, geldings 150.8 – 151.0 – 171.3 – 18, 3 cm. The horses had an underdeveloped skeleton (metacarpal index 12.1 … 12.2), an almost square format (index 99.2 … 100.5) and a relatively small chest circumference (chest index 113.7 … .114.0), a small live weight of 402.4 and 409.8 kg. The use of horses was not effective enough, the working time fund was underutilized by 10.62 … 27.84%. Reliable indicators of the relationship with the intensity of use for all measurements, especially for height at the withers (0.641 … .0.683), chest girth (0.314 … 0.697), were revealed. The highest coefficients were obtained for the indicator of live weight (0.212 … 0.755).
Based on the foregoing, the main way to enhancement working – user horse breeding in the region is to improve horses in the direction of increasing their height at the withers and live weight through the use of stallions – producers of improving breeds.


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