Bypass food products – a radical solution for high milk yield stability and cows productive longevity increasing

DOI: 10.32900/2312-8402-2019-122-147-154

Podobied Leonid,
Doctor of Agricultural Sci., Professor,,
Rudenko Yevhen,
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. Sci., Professor, Corresponding Member of NAAS,
Institute of Animal Science of NAAS,
Pilipchenko Angriy,
Agro-industrial group "Arnika",
Sedyuk Igor,
Vasilevsky Nikolay,
PhD, Senior Researcher,
Zolotarev Angriy,
Institute of Animal Science of NAAS

Keywords: bypass products, protein, starch, bypass protein, longevity of cows


The article substantiates the necessity of protein and starch introducing into the diet of dairy cows, which can pass through the pancreas without digestation (“bypass” products). The authors present the results of the justification, development and testing of high-energy protein supplements protected from protein and starch  digestation in the rumen.
Research on the development of the supplement was carried out an “in vivo” – the developed feed additive was introduced through the rumen fistula to the operated cow and the nature of its degradation by protein and starch was studied. Based on these studies, the composition of the complex fodder energy-protein supplement with a minimum level of digestation in the rumen of protein and starch was substantiated and adjusted.
A study of the effect of protein and starch protected against fragmentation in the rumen on the productivity and milk quality of cows was carried out on two groups of lactating cows per 11 animals. The actual feed intake, milk production, and fat content in milk were studied.
It is established that the inclusion of an experimental supplement in the diet at a dose of 1.5 kg per head can significantly improve the energy balance of the body of cows and increase their productivity by 13.7 %. In addition, additives of protected protein and starch provide a plateau elongation of maximum productivity by 25 % during lactation, reduce cow weight loss at the beginning of the lactation period, and contribute to improved rumen digestion.
The effect of protected protein and starch on reproduction rates is also noted. So, the cows with the experimental supplement at diet quickly and efficiently restored the reproduction function, expressed in a decrease in the insemination index by 0.66 and a reduction in the service period by 11 days.


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